Assessment Schedule

The Notice of Assessment

Every year during the month of April, Assessment Schedules, also called Notices of Assessment, are mailed to each property owner on record as of January 1 of that year. These notices list the legal description, estimated fair market value and assessed value for the land, as well as the improvements, which means the buildings. Last year's tax amount for the parcel is also listed, as well as an estimated tax for the current year using the previous year's mill levy. The previous year's information is not listed on properties that have had changes in legal description or that did not exist in the previous year.

The Notice of Assessment is not a bill. It is for your information only. The actual tax bill is sent in September by the Treasurer after the County Commissioners, school boards, towns, and special districts hold budget hearings and the final mill levy is confirmed by the County Commissioners.

When you receive the Notice of Assessment, open and review it immediately. Pay particular attention to the fair market value. Does is represent what the property would have been worth if sold on January 1 of the current tax year? If the value is within reason and no other errors are noted on the Notice of Assessment, no further action is required.

In case of a dispute over values of your property, your first obligation is to discuss the problem with the Assessor's office no later than thirty (30) days after the "Date Mailed" shown on the Notice of Assessment. Call or come by the Assessor's Office as soon as possible upon receiving your Notice of Assessment to initiate a review process. The Assessor will talk with you about your valuation or visit your property at your request. If not resolved, any person wishing to contest the assessment of their property shall file a statement with the County Assessor. The statement shall specify the reason why the assessment is incorrect. Appeals must be made within the official 30-day appeal period from the "Date Mailed" shown on the Notice of Assessment.